


Run the thread for host stack using nimble_port_freertos_init Perform application specific tasks/initialization Initialize the required NimBLE host configuration parameters and callbacks Initialize the host and controller stack using nimble_port_init. This is because ESP controller uses NVS during initialization. Initialize NVS flash using nvs_flash_init() API. Typical programming sequence with NimBLE stack consists of the following steps:


To begin with, make sure that the NimBLE stack is enabled from menuconfig choose NimBLE for the Bluetooth host. For BLE Mesh, additional thread (advertising thread) is used which keeps on feeding advertisement events to the main thread. This behavior can be changed by overriding the same function. By default, a thread is spawned by the porting function nimble_port_freertos_init. This flexibility is inherently provided by NimBLE design. The NimBLE host can run inside the application thread or can have its own independent thread. This layer is responsible for maintaining pool of transport buffers and formatting buffers exchanges between host and controller as per the requirements. Therefore, a new transport between NimBLE host and ESP controller has been added. However, RAM transport cannot be used as is in case of ESP as ESP controller supports VHCI interface and buffering schemes used by NimBLE host is incompatible with that used by ESP controller. Architecture Ĭurrently, NimBLE host and controller support different transports such as UART and RAM between them.


The porting layer is kept cleaner by maintaining all the existing APIs of NimBLE along with a single ESP-NimBLE API for initialization, making it simpler for the application developers. Most features of NimBLE including BLE Mesh are supported by ESP-IDF. Refer to NimBLE user guide for a complete list of features and additional information on NimBLE stack. The underlying controller is still the same (as in case of Bluedroid) providing VHCI interface. ESP-IDF supports NimBLE host stack which is specifically ported for ESP32 platform and FreeRTOS. Apache MyNewt NimBLE is a highly configurable and BT SIG qualifiable BLE stack providing both host and controller functionalities.
